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Discover our job offers

Active in the Benelux market, we are specialized in 4 sectors : Information and Technology, Finance, Executive and Sales.

Filtre secteurs

Management Assistant


Finance Manager

French / Dutch
Bachelor's degree in accounting
1 day

Financial Controller - Liège


Senior Machine Learning Engineer

Min 3 years


Brabant-Wallon Waterloo
Bachelor or Master degree

AP Accountant

2 - 5 years
French and English
Bachelor's or Master"s degree in Accounting

Senior Comptable - Bruxelles


Junior Boekhouder

0 - 3
Bachelor's degree

Perspective Blue is a recruitment and consulting company specialized in permanent and freelance recruitment services.

Our team

Vincent Consentino


Pierre Forthomme

Recruitment consultant

Guilherme Louro

Consultant Finance

We are one of the most prestigious recruitment firms with a history that traces our root to 2021 in Brussels. We are giving our advice in the Benelux.

Our values

Tailor made recruitment approaches executive candidates in a professional, discrete method. This procedure is undertaken carefully and cautiously to ensure the clients reputation is upheld.

The four levels of customer Satisfaction :

  • Meeting customer expectations
  • Surpassing customer expectations
  • Delighting your customers
  • Amazing your customers

At Perspective Blue, team spirit it’s the most important value. Is the attitude employees have that makes them better than just preforming assets. It is the feeling of camaraderie among them. It translates to a group of people working together with dedication for their organization’s success.

The process of focusing one’s occupational concentration on a specific area of expertise like Finance/IT/HR/C-Level.

Vincent Consentino


Pierre Forthomme

Recruitment consultant

Guilherme Louro

Consultant Finance

What our clients say about us

Eddy Raineri

IT Helpdesk Specialist & Software tester

Vincent is een no-nonsense persoon: hij luistert echt naar uw verlangen en gaat daar direct mee te werk.
Toen ik met hem de eerste keer sprak had ik niet verwacht om de dag erna al aanbiedingen te krijgen die totaal in lijn waren met mijn verwachtingen. Op geen enkel moment heeft hij geprobeerd om mij iets te geven die ik niet wou, en hij was daar voor elke stap van het proces (eerste contact met potentiële werkgever tot tekenen van contract) om mij advies en tips te geven.
Ik kan Vincent en Perspective Blue alleen maar sterk aanraaden, en als ik in de toekomst iets zou zoeken, dan zullen zij de eerste zijn die ik hiervoor zou contacteren.

Amine Tahri

Build Technology Consultant

Toujours présent pour aider et a écouter nos besoin! Super 👍🏼

Michael Martin

Field support engineer

Finding a job is not easy but with the help I got from Vincent consentino and thomas hardman I find myself in a new chapter and a new job. So when you think that you need help this is the person to talk to. Thanks you

Vera Ermakova

Searching for Tech profiles

It was comfortable to work with Vincent. He offered me a position and always was in touch ready to answer questions. Vincent gave me fast feedback and even proposed some tips for the process. Thanks!

Camille de Meeûs

Assistante de Production / Journaliste

Vincent, c’est LE sales dans l’âme. Quoi qu’il arrive il sera toujours à l’écoute et prêt à vous convaincre dans n’importe quelle situation. Doté d’un pouvoir de persuasion efficace, il communique de manière simple et naturelle. Optimiste, souriant et positif de nature, je souhaite à tout le monde d’avoir un manager comme lui durant sa carrière professionnelle. Avec lui, la bonne humeur et la bienveillance seront toujours au rendez-vous !

Benjamin Vangeel

System Engineer

Vincent was really quick in getting to me when I opened my profile to look for a new job.
He is always there in case of questions and will not hesitate to provide you with the best advise and will always be ready to guide you in your transition.
Definitely recommended in case you’re looking for a new opportunity.

Aurélien Piro

System Support Engineer

What I appreciated in the contact with Vincent is the proximity and the follow-up. Something rare at the moment, I appreciated the speed of the collaboration. No extended and multiple interviews. Thanks for the opportunity!

Hiliyeh Bashir

Cloud Engineer

He knew how to help me during my process with a great emotional intelligence, a great reactivity and a lot of good energy.

Katarzyna Thompson

Multilingual IT engineer

Vincent is without a doubt the most efficient, fast, reliable and straight to point Recruitment Manager I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with.
He has followed throughout my recruitment process with a prestigious client, which resulted in a very successful and swift contract and a brand new career opportunity for me.
I highly recommend and am very grateful for your cooperation, Vincent. Mille Grazie!

Valentine Dodaj

Consultante Business Development

Vincent est un exemple au niveau du recrutement. Il sait s’occuper des clients de la meilleure manière possible. Il est une personne de confiance et d’une grande aide.

Discover our blog

Filtre blog

The Impact of Remote Work on Global Recruitment Trends



The Role of Employee Advocacy in Recruitment: Turning Employees into Ambassadors



The Psychology of Job Descriptions: Crafting Language that Attracts the Right Candidates


We’re looking for talent !

We are always looking for new talent to join our young and dynamic team. If you are interested do not hesitate to contact us.

Come visit us

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Working hours

Mon – Fri      8:00 am – 7:00 pm

Sat – Sun      Closed